
To win 100% grant in the Grant competition, attach diplomas and certificates to your CV (of winner or prizewinner in Olympiads listed below):

  • your application at Innopolis university application portal will be automatically approved according to the CV attached;
  • you don’t need to do the tests in the 1st round of the contest;
  • you will get an invitation to the next round of the contest as soon as Admission Committee reviews your CV;

Monthly stipend

  • For prizewinners and winners of the Olympiads from the list of the Russian council of School Olympiads in Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and WRO and for members of national teams, prize-winners and winners of international Olympiads (IOI, IMO, IPhO, IATI, eJo, ISEF, ACM/ICPC): monthly stipend in the amount of up to 26000 rub.

Win a 100% grant

If you are a winner or a prize-winner of the Olympiad, apply and win a 100% grant



List of Olympiads

The list of olympiads allowing to get automatic approval of the application in the first round of the scholarship contest

«World Robot Olympiad»

for graduation or preceding year

national team member

«International Olympiad in Informatics»

for graduation or preceding year

national team member

«European Junior Olympiad in Informatics»

for graduation or preceding year

national team member

«International Physics Olympiad»

for graduation or preceding year

national team member

«International Mathematical Olympiad»

for graduation or preceding year

national team member

Innopolis University Olympiad «Innopolis Open» in «Informatics», «Cyber Security», «Robotics», «Artificial Intelligence», «Fintech», «Mathematics»

for graduation or preceding year

prize-winner, winner of the final stage

The International Collegiate Programming Contest

within 2 years before admission

national team member

International Autumn Tournament in Informatics

for graduation or preceding year

national team member

Russian Outbreak in Science and Technology

for graduation or preceding year

winner of the final stage

InnoCTF Junior

for graduation or preceding year

prize-winner, winner of the final stage

InnoCTF International

prize-winner, winner of the final stage